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Rare veterans test

Former Marine Taylor Winston, who stole an empty truck with the keys left inside during the Las Vegas shooting and used it to drive victims to the hospital, just got the perfect message from the vehicle’s owner.

“Hey Taylor, [I was] told you might have the keys to my truck??” he texted Winston, 29, after the tragedy in a conversation that later made its way to social media. “All I [want] is the key. Other [than] that it’s all water under the bridge to me and how’s the person you hauled doing.”

Grateful that the owner was only concerned with making sure the people he tried to save were okay, the veteran responded to give him an update on his truck.

RELATED: A brave veteran stole a truck to get Las Vegas shooting victims to a hospital

“I have em for ya. When do you want to meet for em?” Winston wrote back. “We’re at the Monte Carlo. I took about 30 critically injured to the hospital. Your truck was extremely important saving those peoples lives. I don’t know if they all made it. Sorry about doing so and all the blood. I saved the tool box too. We pulled it out to fit more people but put it back in after the 3rd trip.”

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Winston, who joined the Marines when he was 17 and was honorably discharged in 2011, loaded the most critical victims he could find into the back of the truck and transported them to Desert Springs Hospital Center. He described the horrifying scene as “like a war zone, but [victims] couldn’t fight back.”
